Which is More Effective for Weight Loss, the Keto Diet or the Vegetarian Diet?


The keto diet and the vegetarian diet are some examples of the types of diets that are on the rise lately. He said,  the keto diet is  claimed to make your body more effective at burning fat, while the vegetarian diet makes you eat more vegetables. But if the goal is to lose weight, what type of diet is actually more effective?

To answer your question, try to look at the differences between the two below.
Know the difference between the keto diet and the vegetarian diet

Before starting a diet, you should first know what diet really means. Maybe all this time you think that diet is the way to lose weight.

In fact, diet is an arrangement of eating patterns according to body conditions. So, not only people who want to lose weight need a diet. Everyone needs to diet, aka adjust their diet. Eits, but don't be careless, yes. Make sure all the diets that you apply are suitable for your condition.

Well, the keto diet itself is a low-carb and high-fat diet . If you are on this diet, then you need to drastically reduce your carbohydrate intake and replace it with fat intake.

Because the body lacks carbohydrates, inevitably the fat reserves will be used as an energy source. During this metabolic process, fat will be burned into ketones which are then stored in the liver. This process is called ketosis.

Unlike the keto diet, the vegetarian diet emphasizes the consumption of food from plant sources. Based on what you eat, a vegetarian diet can be divided into several types, namely:

    Ovo-vegetarian : eat no animal foods except eggs
    Lacto-vegetarian : eating no animal foods other than milk and its products
    Lacto-ovo vegetarian : do not eat animal foods other than eggs and dairy products
    Pescetarian : not eating red meat and poultry, but eating fish, eggs, and dairy products
    Flexitarian : following a vegetarian diet, but occasionally eating red meat, poultry and fish
    Vegan : do not eat any animal foods without exception

Through the explanation above, it can be said that the keto diet emphasizes the group of nutrients that you should choose, while the vegetarian diet focuses on the type of food.
Which one is more effective for losing weight?

Reporting from the US News page , the best type of diet for weight loss is a diet that is low in carbohydrate intake. In the list of the best diets posted on that page, the HMR ( Health Management Program ) is in first place, followed by the Atkins diet in second and the keto diet in third.

The keto diet and vegetarian diet can indeed help you lose weight. However, according to several studies summarized on the Healthline page ,  the keto diet tends to burn fat faster, maintain muscle mass, and reduce the risk of a number of diseases. S

The advantages of the keto diet are based on several things, including:

    calorie intake becomes less, because it reduces the source of carbohydrates
    more protein intake and make you feel full longer
    more fat is burned, because it is the main source of energy

However, keep in mind that the keto diet can also cause certain health problems, because your metabolism is out of balance. So before deciding to apply this diet, you should know what the side effects are and consult a nutritionist first.
Then, what does it mean that the vegetarian diet is ineffective?

The wrong way to go on a vegetarian diet can actually make you lose weight. Without realizing it, you can just eat high-fat vegetarian snacks, fried vegetarian foods , or get excess calorie intake from certain types of salad dressings , sauces, or food toppings .

However, that does not mean that a vegetarian diet cannot lose weight. Provided done right, a diet full of vitamins and minerals can also have other health benefits.


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